Wilderness week talk online

Finally, Christine’s talk from this year’s first online Wilderness Week is finally online, so if you missed on it you now have the chance to listen to it online.
The first Wilderness Week was a huge success! Just read what the folks from the European Wilderness Society have to say:
„We did not even dream of having 100 presenters from 30 countries sharing their conservation expertise with hundreds of Wilderness Advocates. We reached thousands of people through social media…
Hence, we are more than happy to announce the International Wilderness Week 2021! From 18th to 22nd October 2021, we will be back with more presentations, excursions, documentaries, workshops and networking! To make this possible, we rely on donations to spread the love for Wilderness around the globe. So, if you enjoyed the first International
Wilderness Week and to help protect Wilderness in Europe, please
consider a suggested donation of € 20 for the participation in the
International Wilderness Week. „
You can find all of the presentations of this year on the Wilderness Society’s Youtube channel